Nancy's Blog

Flood Day 15

I failed to tell you of the sign I saw on my way to Bloomington. A church had this message posted “Noah, do you still have the plans?” I thought that was appropriate. I guess I know a little of how Noah felt after he sent the dove and it finally came back with a branch! It’s just hard to wait with the end in sight. At least it is great to be able to give an actual day when we hope to be open when you call (Sunday, May 15). I will  stay open from 1 p.m. until 8p.m.(or until people quit coming) that day. I will also have all plants 20% off until the end of season sale starts. One reason is to thank you for waiting to get plants from me, another is to make up for the coupons which “expired”, another is just to encourage people to come on down to shop. If you had hard goods purchases(non plants) you were wanting to use your coupons on, I will  honor the coupons on merchandise until May 31.

Here is the mailbox (my flood level reference)  from this morning.

Mailbox view

Having trouble seeing it? See the post sticking up in the center of the picture????? That’s the post where our mailbox used to be….who knows where it is now…..

And our driveway  looks better evey day.

Driveway view

The water is dropping at about 1 foot a day right now. You can almost hear the sucking noise of water swirling down the drain! 🙂

Reopening(we hope) May 15, 1p.m. to 8 p.m.

Late Night/ Flood’s Over Party May 20 8p.m. to Midnight!

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