Author Archives: Nancy

Nancy's Blog

Flood Day 9

Water is up again this morning. Here is the mailbox. What? You can’t see the mailbox??????Well that’s because you CAN’T SEE THE MAILBOX! It is completely under water. The water rose about 8 1/2″ from yesterday morning. I couldn’t get … Continue reading


Flood Day 7 & 8 – the second week!

Things are beginning to look serious….not that they haven’t already. The updated river forecast shows we might be closed down for a 3rd week. I had my heart set on opening up again at Mother’s Day or close to it. … Continue reading

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Flood Day 6

On what should be the busiest day of my season, a bright warm sunny Saturday, I have to be closed. I really try just to not think about it. I appreciate your kind comments when you have called to see … Continue reading


Flood Day 5

Today the water is 6′ 9″ deep across our road. I have several pictures to share from that, but first I have to show you the geranium bench! It took 3 days, but I finally picked all of the blooms … Continue reading

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Flood Day 4

Is it really only day 4?????? The sun is shining this morning, how I wish we could be open! I promised some flood pictures today. Last night I took a picture of “Hasting Falls”. I’ll bet you didn’t know we … Continue reading

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Flood – Day 3

Water is 4 1/2 feet across the road today. It is really coming up fast. It now has crossed on the south side of the house as well, so we see water looking out 3 of the 4 directions! I … Continue reading

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Behind the water, Days 1 & 2

Yesterday morning we were able to drive out in a pickup. The water was 10 to 11 inches deep. By mid afternoon when I was done with my errands, Mike picked me up in the dump truck, and the water … Continue reading

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Closed due to flooding

The water is too deep to chance coming in to the greenhouses. Before long, we will be boating in and out if we need to leave. As of Monday April 25 we will close down until the roads are navigable … Continue reading


Road Conditions on Easter Sunday

We will be open today, but you will have to drive through water to get to us. Hasting Lane has 3 low places. The deepest will be the one closest to our greenhouse. Right now at 11:00 a.m. only that … Continue reading

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Flood Update

Last night we had 2 inches of rain, with quite a bit more expected in the next couple of days. After seeing the article in today’s Evansville Courier, many of you came to get your plants today even though the … Continue reading

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